Good Reads

Parent power

Published: 25 June 2020

As a parent of two children (9 and 10), Sharon knows what it's like trying to prise them off their PlayStation, tablet and tv and get them out of the house to be active. Sharon shares how she encourages her children to step outside and get moving.

Being active as a family during the COVID-19 Lockdown

Published: 25 June 2020

With lockdown throwing everyone's routines off track and the normal ways of getting active not an option, being active as a family is taking over! Sharon shares how her family are using lockdown to get active together.

Bluewave coach online

Learning to coach differently online

Published: 25 June 2020

Coaches are masters at supporting others to develop. But when you’re used to being in a room with participants, online classes present a new challenge. Lynne and Gerry from Bluewave Korean Martial Arts share how they're coaching differently online.

Managing a rollercoaster of emotions

Published: 25 June 2020

Many people have had their lives shaken up reccently. Having been recently furloughed Jen struggled at first and wondered how she would keep busy and fill up each day. Keen to stay optimistic Jen turned to exercise to keep her mind and body working.

The social side of sport, injury and recovery

Published: 25 June 2020

It doesn't matter how passionate we are about physical activity and sport. There are likely to be times in our lives when we struggle to be active. A curve-ball like an injury can throw a regular routine and force us to find new ways to move.

The Secret Runner

Published: 25 June 2020

Sharon, our Strategic Lead for Children and Young People, talks about becoming a secret runner and embarking on a new challenge to improve her fitness and activity levels.

Looking after me… 2 children and a dog

Published: 25 June 2020

Chauffering, cleaning, catering, peace-keeping: we're endlessly impressed with all the roles a busy parent plays. For many, the thought of exercise on top of that can be a stretch too far.

videocall workout in the garden

Maintaining club engagement during COVID-19

Published: 25 June 2020

What happens when lockdown forces us to say goodbye to the social side of exercise? Kelly from Atlas Fitness shares how they’ve gone above and beyond to maintain community spirit in their club.

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