This workshop is designed to provide local support for club welfare officers, committee members, safeguarding leads and coaches so they can build their skills and knowledge as well as confidence.
Expert speakers will be available to provide guidance to clubs and signpost the latest advice. They’ll be on hand to guide you through developing the wellbeing and welfare practices within your setting.
You’ll also have the chance to network with others in a similar role to you, to share experiences and learnings from each other and discuss ideas and solutions to implement at your own club.
This event is being hosted by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sports Welfare Officers. Our Sport Welfare Officers work closely with local club welfare officers to understand specific safeguarding needs. They help build confidence in volunteers so that they can amplify participant’s voices. They also connect with national governing bodies to make sure national expectations are in place locally, as well as help to make policies more accessible.
Funded by Sport England, they are part of a wider network of 63 Sport Welfare Officers, across 43 Active Partnerships.