International Women’s Day Story Telling Event

Date: 4 March 2022   Author: Energise Me

This international Women’s Day we’ve partnered with Touch to bring you a live storytelling event in Southampton.

International Women’s Day is fast approaching on 8th March and this year we are celebrating local ladies in a live storytelling event with Touch. The event will feature three Hampshire Women sharing how physical activity has helped them through difficult times in their lives.

The event will be held at Northam Community Centre, 7:30-9:30 pm. Tea and coffee will be available and the evening will be a chance to socialise and chat.

Book your free tickets here.


The storytellers

Our three storytellers, Miranda, Jasmine and Octavia, will share real and honest accounts of their personal journeys with being active and the impact it has had on their mental health.

Miranda – Miranda is a mum to two girls and the founder of an award-winning PR agency. After the birth of her first child, Miranda was diagnosed with post-natal depression and took up running as a way of getting headspace. Now at 50, she is more active than she ever thought she would be.

Jasmine – When struggling with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia at school left Jasmine with depression, dance hugged her in. Dance has been the one constant through many ups and downs in her life. Now diagnosed with Bipolar 2, Jasmine is teaching Bhangra in the hope of giving others a safe space.

Octavia – Octavia has struggled with alopecia since she was 12-years-old. In her early adult years, she would always try to hide it, not being seen out of the house without a wig or hat. By being active Octavia was able to shift her focus and grow comfortable not covering her head.


International Women’s Day

Marked annually on March 8th, International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate women’s achievements and raise awareness about women’s equality. We’ll be joining in to celebrate women in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight who have found their own ways to be active.

On average, women are less likely to be active than men. In England, 39% of women are not active enough to enjoy improved health and wellbeing compared to 35% of men. This gap is reducing but there is still work to be done.

Fear of judgement, lack of confidence and time pressures are stopping women from doing something they want to do.



For this event, we have partnered with Touch a local charity that shares and celebrates everyday stories of resilience. By providing a platform to share and hear stories, we cheer each other on and learn from one another. Touch use these stories to enable positive change in our communities and the NHS and social care environment.

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Helping us tackle inactivity to boost health and happiness

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