A group pf older adults, some are seated and some standing. They are using small weights and bands to complete upper body exercises.

Physical Activity Clinical Champion

We need your help to get healthcare professionals talking about the benefits of physical activity.

Contract: Permanent
Salary: £ 46,148 FTE (£22,992 pro rata) in line with NHS Band 7.
Hours: 14 hours per week

This brand-new role will be responsible for building a network of community and patient facing clinicians and improve their awareness of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of long-term conditions. You’ll be working with a wide range of clinical teams across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to make sure the programme is tailored to our healthcare professionals needs.

Research has revealed that one in four people would be more active if advised by a health professional. This makes health professionals, including GP’s, nurses and social prescribers ideal advocates for physical activity. Yet three quarters feel they lack the knowledge, skills or confidence to speak about physical activity.

You’ll be joining a national movement of Physical Activity Clinical Champions (PACC). They’ve trained over 40,000 health care professionals across England so far with a proven increase in participant knowledge, confidence and frequency of patient physical activity conversations.  You will play a pivotal role in developing an innovative place-based approach to this highly valued training programme. 

This national network and infrastructure will provide support and insight to help you deliver and ultimately improve patient outcomes. This is an exciting opportunity to work as part of a Sport England project evaluating a place-based approach.  

Key Responsibilities


  • To work across the multi-disciplinary, multi-professional healthcare sector in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to improve awareness of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of long-term conditions
  • Provide clinical leadership to the expansion of the PACC programme within Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

  • Gather and use local, regional, and national insight to support the delivery of PACC within the health & social care sector aligned to the We Can Be Active strategic goals.

  • Engage with and promote collaborative partnerships and projects designed to support implementation of evidence-based interventions to reduce inactivity and promote physical activity across the life course at health-enhancing levels at national, regional, and local levels

Who we’re looking for

The successful candidate will be a clinical professional, with a passion for improving patient outcomes.with experience of the healthcare system in Hampshire and Isle of Wight. We are looking for a confident communicator who can inspire people to take action and create engaging learning environments.

The successful candidate must hold professional registration and continue to work in a clinical role alongside this post.

How to apply

You will find more details about the role and how to apply in the full role and person specification pack below.

We’re accepting applications through our Applied system. You’ll be asked five questions about your experience and motivation for applying for the role. Applied will also ask equality and diversity questions, so we can anonymously monitor our commitment to attracting a diverse range of candidates.

Application link: https://app.beapplied.com/apply/7y17mpbu1c

Applications close on Monday 10th February.

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